23.04.2020 The press reports on our spring roll campaign

Press article from the city newspaper and B4B Schwaben

The city newspaper reported in its edition on Wednesday, 22.4.2020 about our donation of 650 spring rolls to two old people’s homes in Augsburg:

The online portal B4B Schwaben also wrote a positive and appealing article, here is the link to it:
Article B4B Swabia


26 Oct

Culinary Thailand Etiquette I Part 3: Volume and speed at mealtimes

In our Thai gourmet restaurant in Augsburg, you as a guest may authentically experience the traditional atmosphere of the wonderfully sensual Thai cuisine. more

05 Oct

The culinary Thailand etiquette I part 2: the soup

Enjoy traditional Thai soup in our gourmet restaurant Augsburg. More about this special Thai tradition here. more